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Public reply to the accusation in a private message

Writer's picture: WilentyWilenty

For first, if you don't have anything to hide, please write next messages under your first name and last name, instead of your nickname.

Thank you BlackCyberEnigma that you finally appreciated my installer. :)

Thank you also for the suggestion on Photoshop, but I don’t use illegal software, like you.

I use the Gimp, it’s enough for my needs.

I agree, that In the installer I used only a part of original screens, but that was only because there was no space to add full size of them, but I’m sharing them below, as you wish.

For first you should ask yourself, why all of you attacking me after BetaLeaf’s question, starting with you.

All of you are „heroes” writing about others „behind their back”. It’s very good that BL (BetaLeaf) shared hidden messages of WB team, which opened my eyes. After I saw that you used my private messages (direct messaging in Discord), I deleted my private messages in conversation with you and GlacialMan, that you don’t use it/them anymore. I'm far from arguing, so I have stopped writing to both of you.

There is only one “problem” with all of you people: no one of you wrote to me even a small part, which you wrote there.

BlackCyberEnigma, I’m not attacking any of you, all of you did it before I can imagine that.

I only showed the story, what your team did for BL (BetaLeaf), “because of me”. So, BL made screenshots and shared the dump of WB Discord, that now anyone can check, what they wrote about others.

For me is no problem to show the truth, you used my private messages/information's over there,

so I can show private messages of them. It’s not a wasting of the time dude, it’s time to stop lying and stop writing the “shit” about others, even in hidden channels/private messages, like a WB staff channel. Also, it’s time to stop copy private messages of others without a reason, that said!

Let’s starting a bout the facts “how dangerous I am”. I will show you the “arguing” with the Skunk1966#6572 (about which GlacialMan and DoomStorm wrote about), which led to “ban me on WB”:

After above conversation I saw the cooperation between Skunk1966 and DoomStorm, as I saw it before between GraphiX and DoomStorm, because I "catches the Skunk1966 on lie", so, I asked to downgrade the role (from contributor to a "standard user" there), but DoomStorm banned me on WB (WorkBench) Discord.

After that GlacialMan write with me privately for about half of the year longer, and he asked me many times to allow share my works on WB Discord. In some day I got an info what he wrote about me in staff channel, because BL asked about me. All of you flood a big “shit” on me, because of? Probably because you will thinking that I will never get it – smart.

But here, still live good persons like BL, who wants to get the truth, whatever that truth is.

So, from one side I had a friend, who said that he has no friends and all was the lie. It’s time to wake-up from that Matrix and/or change the friends… which happens first.

Don’t try to be a Rescue Angel BlackCyberEnigma, someone wants to “thank you” to get banned on WorkBench Discord for “no reason”:

You don’t know me, so, don't write about me in that way.

You get the moderator role there after I was gone there, or I missed something?

But, repeating the fairy tales created by others does not telling well about you.

If you don’t know, I will show you about who they are talking about:

On any normal forum you will get the warning “what you are doing wrong”, but on WB (WorkBench) Discord, you can “get banned”, because you are writing with Wilenty, or just for “no reason”, without any info about the reason, like me. And then you will see DoomStorm explanation, when someone asking about me. Also, your status must be changed in one minute, like in the jail.

It’s easy to write about anyone that “he is a jerk”, or “we received many gripes”, without sharing the proof. I can write this same about all of them, without providing anything.

Please don’t believe for all what they wrote about me and others, like GlacialMan said, quote:

All of you made this “shit”, banned many users, so, you need to clean-up. I have nothing to do with it. I just "handed the package".

Best Regards,

Wilenty and PhoenixCA with big thanks to: BetaLeaf

Post Scriptum

If you want to know also, how DoomStorm collaborated with GraphiX to get users from WB Discord to his private forum, and who discovered this cooperation, then you will guess why GlacialMan used GraphiX as an "argument". Write next message with this question, it will be a pleasure to me, to explain it to you also.

After that, your knowledge will be almost complete.

All pictures/screenshots used in this message are property of their authors. ;-)))


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