At the outset.
I did not wanted to write about it at all to not annoy people who helped me.
But because Anonymous Group created a movie about Elon Musk:
I started thinking about one week ago to write about my story also...
So, as you see, finally I decided to write about it.
I know that I am so small to send a message to him or PayPal, but I write this message to warn you about potentially dangerous move, for all young and inexperienced people who want to create PayPal account to get the support!
As you know, or not, I had my own website in 2018. I also created PayPal account to get support from my work to pay for extend the website visibility.
At that time I wanted to get the value in $, but I don't live in the US. So, to get payments value in $ I selected the US as the country from where I am (theoretically), and PayPal allowed me to do that.
Of course you can say that it was my mistake/problem by choosing the US, but PayPal does not had any objection that I choose the US (other than my personal data).
For almost one year I was collecting support to extend the website visibility and PayPal did not have any problems with that.
But, in the last weekend of my website PayPal blocked my account and I was not able to get the money that I had on my PayPal account!
I asked them to allow me transfer the money to a person who helped me to buy the website, also I asked them to allow me get the money and close the account... Nothing helped...
They told me that I must create temporary or normal bank account in the US to get the money...
As you realize it was not possible to do it for about 2-3 days, where was the weekend.
Because the amount was not enough to pay for next year I did not pay for next year. Along with the website I lost the e-m@il account on which the PayPal was registered, and I also lost the money on PayPal account forever.
But maybe, If the amount would be enough to pay for the website, I would pay for it, and then I would try to pick up the money from PayPal (after I shared this story for friends - they offered their help).
Finally I know for what PayPal created the payment for the account, if you don't use it - to make them empty and then close them all!
But, probably I would not write about it, if similar situation did not happen in this year for one person from EU.
That person created the account in the Buy-Me-a-Coffee support service, and created the PayPal account to get the money from the Buy-Me-a-Coffee.
After first transfer (few bucks) from the Buy-Me-a-Coffee to the PayPal, PayPal account of that person was blocked also. For what a reason? Why? You will never get the reason...
The account gets blocked and you can't get the money you have, but you are forced to do that:

If you are Elon Musk, you can get billion of dollars for your projects. You can also get the support for (almost) any project you can imagine...
But, if you are normal person, who work hard on the days and nights to get "few bucks" from your work and collects the money to pay for the website, then the account gets blocked without any reason, you can't even get your own money from supporters!
I realize that they can delete this/my website after this message, so, if it will gone - you will know the reason (I will not plan to delete it).
I don't have any personal "whining" to him, but on this globe are better and worse persons...
What do you think, PayPal rules are OK?